Many of us struggle with tight neck muscles. The question is, how can we live in our bodies in such a way that the neck muscles can move towards relaxation while fulfilling their function? Think of the neck as a bridge, connecting the head and the body. A bridge can be built with strong, heavy […]
Building Attention
“Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity” – Simone Weil Our capacity for attention evolves as we grow from baby, to young child, to teen, to adult, to elder. It is one of the unique gifts of being human – our flexibility in how we can attend to the world around us, ourselves […]
To walk with trees
This spring I had the opportunity to walk and move with trees in Sussex, England. The spring is just beginning to call forth leaves and flowers on some of the trees, but mostly they are still showing their beautiful branch-forms against the sky without the adornment of leaves. Each tree has its own unique crown, […]
Posture as a habit
Our habits can be changed, just as we can change our mindset. One way to do this is to bring the new habit into focus over and over again. In working with posture this might be returning to the positive experiences you had when you changed from slumped forward-falling shoulders, to an opening of the […]
Wellbeing and Posture
As we grow into life and go through challenges of all kinds in our lives, our posture is changed. Individual posture is often a reflection of habits, activities and even emotional states or attitudes. On a physical level, we might injure a knee and find it hard to break the habit of limping that we […]
Inspiration from others
Look around you to find representations of ideal posture. Very young children will often move their bodies in more optimal ways. Look at the relationship of the head to the spine in a child who has not begun to imitate others who slouch. When you walk down the street find reminders amongst the people you […]
With Courage and Initiative – Michaelmas thoughts
In this time of the year when the summer sun is lower in the sky and the whispers of winter are felt in the early morning mists, our thoughts turn to the great Archangel Michael. He who is the face of god, who stands as warrior against the dark forces, who stands as protector and […]
What is Spacial Dynamics®?
Spacial Dynamics is a movement practice that incorporates space for health and enhanced well-being. When we begin to learn to move our space, we live more fully as human beings in the world. We can support our own healing processes, integrate reflexes and become more resilient to life’s stressors. Through Spacial Dynamics® we discover that […]
Eyes as doorways
“Are you awake?” I have a distant memory of these words, and of my son’s bed-warm face close to mine, examining my eyes and seeking connection…. We know from a very young age that when we are awake our eyes are open and we see the world around us. Remember how when you were a […]
Seeing Myself in the World – the importance of dolls in Waldorf Early Childhood education settings
“Shhhh…. The babies are sleeping! Now it’s time to wake up and eatyour breakfast…” The busy work of looking after the dolls has begun. Serious work for the child that requires the caring “parent” to be vigilant, empathetic and engaged. As a teacher I feel that I am a witness to something sacred and precious. […]
Protected: Heavy baby doll bunting dress instructions
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Sensing our life
The original concept of five senses has been expanded to include proprioception (sense of movement) and the vestibular sense (sense of balance). But there is one more that is recognized that is important to consider in the early years and that is INTEROCEPTION, or a sense of life. This sense refers to our perception of […]
Cleaning as Blessing
Home making involves a lot of time spent on cleaning and caring. We clean our houses, our clothes, our cars, our food, our bodies and help our children care for their bodies. We care for the environment, the home and our family through our cleaning activities. Sometimes it seems like a never-ending treadmill! Cleaning has […]
Care moments with your baby are the most important times for building relationships. This is a time to enjoy each other and learn together! Care moments include feeding, diapering, bathing, changing clothes. I will focus here on diapering and dressing your baby. When you dress or undress your baby you are caring for his/her wellbeing. […]
Moving to learn
Support your child’s unfolding learning by encouraging them to move! How does movement help development in these early days? The baby is born into gravity, into a relationship to the earth. This relationship is what they have come here for! During this first year it is helpful to allow the baby to explore gravity and […]